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Folk Literature Text is being edited...
Department of Folk Literature of the University Library is located in the House of Vojislav M.. Jovanovic, in Bircaninova 24th Street The building was built as a family home Mata Jovanovic 1883rd year. Slavko Jovanovic, sister Vojislav Jovanovic, testamentary testator's
home in which he lived his life the university library, along with
books, manuscripts and personal belongings. Home of Vojislav M.. Jovanovic is registered as a museum gallery. The lodge is open 1988th as the Department of Folk Literature.
Vojislav M. Jovanović (1884-1968), a versatile creator and connoisseur of many fields - Archivist writer, diplomat, amateur photographer, literary critic, composer famous inter-war anthology of folk poetry and folk tales, and researcher of literature, history and Serbian folklore, especially the reception of our national literature European literature and the author of numerous studies on the fake folk poetry. Special library Vojislav Jovanovic 6292 notebooks are personal library, a valuable part of a collection of expertly procured and study of folk literature. The fund also includes written legacy of the donor (with autographs, clippings, printouts, correspondence, personal documents), more than 1300 photos, 22 photographic plates, furniture and personal belongings of the donor. Fund of the Department of Folk Literature and make books and magazines from folk literature, to be supplied gift, purchase and exchange. Publications and material from the written legacy of the Department of Folk Literature used only in the reading classes - the House of Vojislav M. Jovanovic. |