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Europeana Newspapers

Web: www.europeana-newspapers.eu

Status: In progress

Duration: 2012-2015


Group of 17 European institutions, including the University Library "Svetozar Markovic", will provide over 10 million newspaper pages for Europeana through Europeana Newspapers project.


Liber Europe, one of the partners in the project, is responsible for the implementation of WP6 - Dissemination and Exploitation.

Partners in the project

  1. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (координатор пројекта)
  2. National Library of the Netherlands
  3. National Library of Estonia
  4. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
  5. National Library of Finland
  6. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg
  7. Bibliothèque nationale de France
  8. National Library of Poland
  9. University of Salford
  10. CCS Content Conversion Specialists GmbH
  11. Stichting LIBER
  12. National Library of Latvia
  13. National Library of Turkey
  14. University Library of Belgrade
  15. University of Innsbruck
  16. Landesbibliothek Dr. Friedrich Tessmann
  17. The British Library

Description of activities

A group of 17 European partner institutions, including University Library “Svetozar Marković”, have joined forces in the “Europeana Newspapers” project and will, over the next 3 years, provide more than 10 million newspaper pages to the Europeana service. The Europeana Newspapers project (funded under EC's CIP 2007 - 2013) aims at the aggregation and refinement of newspapers for The European Library and Europeana. In addition, the project addresses challenges particularly linked with digitized newspapers:

  • use of refinement methods for OCR, OLR/article segmentation, and named entity recognition (NER), and page class recognition to enhance search and presentation functionalities for Europeana customers
  • quality evaluation for automatic refinement technologies
  • transformation of local metadata to the Europeana Data Model (EDM)
  • metadata standardization in close collaboration with stakeholders from the public and private sector

Libraries participating in the project will distribute digitized newspapers and full-texts free of any legal restrictions to Europeana. There will be a special focus on newspapers published during the First World War, thus providing a meaningful addition to the resources aggregated by the current Europeana Collections 1914-1918 project.


Email: Stela Filipi-Matutinović, Adam Sofronijević
Phone: +381 11 3370 515, 3370 160