Овај вебсајт представља архиву старог вебсајта Универзитетске библиотеке који је био у функцији до 2013. године и од тада се не ажурира. Молимо Вас да посетите вебсајт unilib.rs на ком можете пронаћи актуелне информације и изворе. Хвала!
You are visiting an archived website of the University Library in Belgrade that was functional up until 2013 and is not being updated since. Please visit unilib.rs for current information and resources. Thank you!

Library is open to all citizens.

Membership card can be obtained from 8 am to 19 pm, and until 13 pm on Saturdays. Membership fees are charged according to the price list and valid for one year. All members are required to have a membership card when visiting the library.


In order to become a library member, you need to bring an identity card or a passport and photo 30x35mm (ID card format).

Additional documents are required for certain categories of users:

  • Students of state and private universities, postgraduates and doctoral candidates: index
  • Foreign students: Index
  • Employees at state and private universities and other employees: proof of employment
  • Unemployed: evidence from the labor market with the information about the level of education
  • Pensioners: pension check
  • Graduates: evidence from school

Types of membership

  • individual
    • annual
    • temporary from 3 to 30 days
  • collective