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Reading Room of the Department of Folk Literature

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 8 AM to 2 PM

Location: Birčaninova 24, House of Vojislav M. Jovanovic, Belgrade

Seats: 8


Phone: +381 11 2646 114

Using the Reading Room and Borrowing

Publications and materials from the legacy of the Department of Folk Literature can be used only in the reading room at the House of Vojislav M. Jovanovic.

Collection of the Department of Folk Literature includes books and magazines from folk literature, that are acquired as gifts, purchased and exchanged. Special library of Vojislav Jovanovic includes 6292 notebooks of personal library, and most valuable part of a collection are expertly procured collections and studies of folk literature. The collection also includes written legacy of the donor (with autographs, clippings, printouts, correspondence, personal documents), more than 1300 photos, 22 photographic plates, furniture and personal belongings of the donor.

Food and drinks are not allowed in the reading room.