Овај вебсајт представља архиву старог вебсајта Универзитетске библиотеке који је био у функцији до 2013. године и од тада се не ажурира. Молимо Вас да посетите вебсајт unilib.rs на ком можете пронаћи актуелне информације и изворе. Хвала! | |
You are visiting an archived website of the University Library in Belgrade that was functional up until 2013 and is not being updated since. Please visit unilib.rs for current information and resources. Thank you! |
Parent library function Parent library functions of the University Library are regulated by the Law on Librarianship. Establishment of the Central catalog of the University of Belgrade in 1930 may be considered as the beginning of the parent library activities. It shows that even then the leaders of the University had recognized the importance of integrating data acquisition literature of the whole university. After World War II catalog was transferred from Captain Miša building to the building of the University Library. It was the first central catalog in Serbia. The main parent function...is to connect work of academic libraries with relevant institutions in the country and abroad, to equalize and modernize their work, and to deal with issues of regulating the status of libraries and librarians, as well as to organize training for librarians. The parent library functions include the monitoring and supervision of university libraries and research institutes, collecting and entering data into a database of these libraries, librarian training for beginners, as well as organizing practical work for the students of Library and Information Science, Faculty of Philology. Serbian Academic Library AssociationIn order to better coordinate the work of the University libraries, Academic Library Association was established at the University of Belgrade, which was soon joined by other academic libraries in Serbia. Its work was interrupted in the late eighties. In 1992 Serbian Association of Academic Libraries was founded and located in the Library. Libraries of all six universities and major libraries with research institutes joined the Association. At the time of the establishment of Serbian Academic Library Association had fifty members, and now there are over a hundred and fifty. The Association is one of the founders of the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition KoBSON). Journal InfotekaParent functions also cover special libraries with the scientific - research character in Serbia. Since the main task of the parent functions is to create a unique network, which would connect libraries with each other and the world, the Library, in cooperation with relevant members of the Association, is working to create a modern library network and to disseminate the new knowledge in librarianship. Former Association's journal "IZBUS" which was prepared at the University Library since 1992, changed in 2000 to Infoteka - Journal of Information and Library Science, which publishes scientific and technical papers in the field of information and library science, as well as the documents from conferences organized by the Association. A series of courses and lectures on the use of modern technology have been organized (on the use of the Internet, creating web sites, etc.). |